Fig 6. Sequential memory retrieval in asymptomatic and depressive states.
A: Retrieval performance for the three cases A|A, A|D, D|D (indicated by color) at different levels of pattern separation σa (left to right) and retrieval noise σn (top to bottom). B: The duration of depressive episode affects the retrieval performance of A|D and D|D. Duration is measured by the fraction of memories stored in the depressive episode k (Eq 12). C: Increasing the number of stored sequences negatively impacts the retrieval performance in all cases, while the difference are preserved. D: Increasing the dimensionality of the pattern separation vector, up to a certain point, increases the difference between the A|A and the other cases. Values in B, C and D are calculated based on the 30th element in the sequence (σa = 1, σn = 0.1). For A,B,C: a:2-D; for A,C,D: k = 0.9; for A,B,D: 200 stored sequences in both asymptomatic and depressive state respectively.