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. 2018 Jan 9;47(4):20170362. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20170362

Table 1.

Electronic databases and applied search strategy.

Database Search strategy (December, 2016)
PubMed (“tooth”[MeSHTerms] OR “tooth”[AllFields]) AND “skeletal”[AllFields] AND “maturation”[AllFields](“age determination by teeth”[MeSHTerms] OR (“age”[AllFields]) AND “determination”[AllFields] AND “teeth”[AllFields]) OR “age determination by teeth”[AllFields] AND (“age determination by skeleton”[MeSHTerms] OR (“age”[AllFields] AND “determination”[AllFields] AND “skeleton”[AllFields]) OR “age determination by skeleton”[AllFields])(“age determination by teeth”[MeSHTerms] OR (“age”[AllFields] AND “determination”[AllFields] AND “teeth”[AllFields]) OR “age determination by teeth”[AllFields]) AND (“growth and development”[Subheading] OR (“growth”[AllFields] AND “development”[AllFields]) OR “growth”[AllFields]) OR “growth”[MeSHTerms] AND “spurt”[AllFields]
Science Direct Age Determination by Skeleton OR Skeletal Maturation AND Tooth AND Growth Spurt“Age Determination by Teeth” AND “Hand Bones” AND “Skeletal Maturation” AND “Growth Spurt”
SciELO “Skeletal Maturation” AND “Tooth”Age Determination by Skeleton OR Age Determination by TeethHand Bones OR Growth Spurt“Growth Spurt” AND “Tooth”
LILACS Age Determination by Skeleton AND ToothHand Bones AND ToothAge Determination by Teeth AND Age Determination by SkeletonAge Determination by Teeth AND Growth Spurt
Google Scholar “Age Determination by Teeth” AND “Hand Bones” AND “Growth Spurt”
OpenGrey “Age Determination by Teeth”“Skeletal Maturation OR Hand”