Figure 2. MG-derived neurons form synaptic connections with retinal circuitry.
a, b, Super-resolution image of MG-derived neurons. c, Box from a shows Ctbp2 ribbon apposed to GFP+ process (arrows), series of 0.16-μm-thick z-stack. d, Orthogonal projection. e, MG-derived bipolar-like cell with processes in IPL. f–k, Super-resolution images from c (box) labelled as indicated; g–k, masked in Amira (see Methods). k, Image of Ctbp2 superposed with PSD95 from g (arrows), xz plane. l, m, MG-derived neuron before branding (arrow). n, Two-photon image of branded box around MG-derived neuron. o, Orthogonal projection of n. p, SBFSEM technique (see Methods). q, SBFSEM image of cell from n (arrow). r, s, Three-dimensional reconstruction of cell from n with process (green) penetrating cone terminal (magenta). t, SBFSEM image series of cell from n colour as in r. Scale bars are 10 μm (a, e, i, q), 1 μm (c, d, k, t) or 200 μm (l).