Extended Data Figure 3. Neurogenesis and proliferation from Ascl1-expressing MG.
a, Panel of images showing morphologies between MG and neurons. Images are from retinas that were collected 2–5 weeks post-TSA. Examples of ‘hybrid’ morphologies were observed at all post-TSA time points analysed. First image of panel has normal glial morphology for comparison. b, Example of EdU-labelled GFP+Otx2+ MG in ONL; cells stained with all three markers were very rare: <1% of GFP+ MG (approximately 1 cell per retinal section from 3 mice). c, Diagram showing experimental treatment paradigm for proliferation analysis. d, Ascl1-overexpressing mice treated with mouse epidermal growth factor (mEGF) and NMDA showed examples of Sox9+EdU+ MG. e, Majority of MG did not label with EdU when Ascl1-overexpressing mice only received intravitreal EdU injections (No Treatment). f, Graph showing the percentage of GFP+ cells expressing Sox9 and that were labelled with EdU. A significant increase in Sox9+EdU+ MG was seen when treated with NMDA and mEGF by Student’s t-test at **P = 0.0033, n = 5 per group. g, Ascl1-overexpressing mice treated with mEGF and NMDA showed examples of Otx2+EdU+ MG. h, Ascl1-overexpressing mice only receiving intravitreal EdU injections (No Treatment) had no MG that expressed Otx2 and labelled with EdU. i, Graph showing the percentage of GFP+ cells that express Otx2 and were labelled with EdU. A significant increase in Otx2+EdU+ MG was seen when treated with NMDA and mEGF by Student’s t test at *P = 0.0105, n = 5 per group. All data are shown as mean ± standard error, all scale bars are 10 μm.