Figure 2.
Atomic Model for the BKV Capsid and Interaction with the Minor Capsid Proteins
(A) The T = 7d icosahedral model of the BKV capsid viewed down an icosahedral 2-fold axis with each quasi-equivalent VP1 chain colored according to the color key shown.
(B) A single asymmetric unit of the capsid showing the conformation of each of the C termini.
(C) Overlay of all the VP1 monomers in the asymmetric unit with the most variable regions (N terminus, C terminus, and CD loop) colored according to chain number.
(D) Internal view of a 5-fold penton showing the model and EM density (2.2 σ within 1.6 Å of fitted coordinates) for the C-terminal region of VP2/VP3 binding at the base of the two adjacent VP1 monomers (gray).
(E) Enlarged view of VP2/VP3 as shown in (D).