Effects of Cell Synchronization with Thymidine Treatment on eTE and Cell Viability
The experimental procedures were the same as those described in the legend of Figure 1, except that the cells in the treated group (T) were synchronized with double-thymidine block followed by 8-hr release. Cells in the control group (C) were asynchronized. For COS7 cells, the electrotransfection involved 8 pulses at 160 V/4 mm, 5 ms, and 1 Hz. For HCT116 cells, it involved 6 pulses at 240 V/4 mm, 5 ms, and 1 Hz. (A) The synchronization increased eTE for both HCT116 and COS7 cells. (B) The synchronization had little effect on cell viability. In all experiments, n = 4, *p < 0.05. All bars and error bars indicate mean and SEM, respectively.