Photographic images of the (A,C) Col-0 and (B,D) low-vein-density Ei-5 accessions of A. thaliana grown under a 9-h photoperiod of (A,B) 100 (LL) or (C,D) 1000 (HL) μmol photons m-2 s-1 at a leaf temperature of 20°C for 42 days.
Photographic images of the (A,C) Col-0 and (B,D) low-vein-density Ei-5 accessions of A. thaliana grown under a 9-h photoperiod of (A,B) 100 (LL) or (C,D) 1000 (HL) μmol photons m-2 s-1 at a leaf temperature of 20°C for 42 days.