Figure 5.
Compounds 4 and 5 sensitize HT1080 cells to killing by cisplatin and reduce mutagenesis. (A) Compounds 4 and 5 enhance sensitivity to cisplatin in a colony survival assay. Cells were incubated with cisplatin (0.6 μM) for 24 hrs, followed by the addition of either 4 or 5 (1.5 μM) and colonies were allowed to form for seven days. Colonies were stained and counted with coomassie blue. *P<0.05 and ***P<0.001 were calculated with the Student t-test using comparisons as indicated. (B) Compounds 4 and 5 reduce the cisplatin-induced HPRT mutations in HT1080 cells. Data are the Ave ± SD of two separate experiments with 3 replicates each. All experiments were performed at least two separate times and results were comparable across all replicates. **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001 versus cisplatin treated cells, Student t-test.