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. 2018 Jun 7;15:24. doi: 10.1186/s12983-018-0269-6

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Muscular system in the walkerioidean genus Mimosella. a Mimosella verticillata showing the main and side stolons and their associated stolonal transverse muscle. Note the paired flexor muscles at the base of autozooids attached to the side stolons. b Lateral view of a single zooid of M. verticillata showing the position of the flexor muscle close to the stalk-like attachment area of the zooid to the stolon (left side). c Mimosella sp. erect form. Similar colonial arrangement such as found in (A), but erect colonial form compared to the creeping M. verticillata in (A). Note the thicker main stolon and absence of the stolonal transversal muscle in the main stolon. Abbreviations: am – apertural muscles, az – autozooid, cae –caecum, es – esophagus, fm – flexor muscles, int – intestine, ms – main stolon, pc – pore complex, pm – parietal muscles, rm – retractor muscle, sm – stolonal transverse muscle, ss – side stolons