Fig. 2.
Overview on RNA editing in transcripts of the chloroplast genes clpP and rpoA. Editing sites clpPeU559HY and rpoAeU200SF are the only editing events in Arabidopsis thaliana. They are shared in early-diverging angiosperms like Amborella trichopoda, Illicium oligandrum and Chloranthus spicatus, which feature up to four additional sites of editing. Editing site rpoAeU830SF (dotted line) is present in Illicium and Chloranthus, but not in Amborella. Only editing sites clpPeU82HY, rpoAeU521SF and rpoAeU830SF have counterparts in the gymnosperms Ginkgo biloba and Cycas taitungensis suggesting that edits clpPeU559HY and rpoAeU200SF and their cognate editing factor CLB19 could be a molecular synapomorphy of angiosperms. Dotted grey lines indicate positions of the two conserved group II introns clpPi71g2 and clpPi363g2 in the land plant chloroplast genomes