Fig. 5.
Alignment of editing site recognition sequences with crucial positions 5 and L (“last”) of the “PLS-type” PPRs in CLB19. The respective PPR-type (P, L, S, SS, P2, L2, S2) is indicated on top with numbering running backward, starting with the terminal S2-type PPR, which is juxtaposed with position − 4 upstream of the editing site (red underlined). Asterisks indicate loss of editing sites through C-to-T conversions in the monocot Oryza (panel a) or in the dicots Catharanthus and Coffea (panel b), respectively. Grey shading highlights P-, S-, SS- and P2-type repeats assumed to contribute to RNA recognition. Green nucleotide shading indicates perfect matches of PPR positions 5 and L according to strict canonical rules (T/S + N: A, T + D: G, N + N/S: C, N + D: U), blue shading indicates pyrimidine transitions, yellow shading indicates purine transitions and red shading indicates transversion mismatches, respectively. Changes from the presumed ancestral character states in CLB19 and the target sequences conserved in Arabidopsis and Phoenix are highlighted in bold and italics