Quantiles |
28 |
41.18% |
2 bins |
1 |
(Kunkel, Atwood, Ruth, Pletscher, & Hornocker, 2013) |
3 bins |
1 |
(Carroll, Noss, & Paquet, 2001) |
4 bins |
7 |
(Beckmann, Murray, Seidler, & Berger, 2012; Clark et al., 2014; Coe et al., 2011; Hodder, Johnson, Rea, & Zedrosser, 2014; Jiang et al., 2009; Johnson et al., 2005; Loring et al., 2014) |
5 bins |
9 |
(Costello, Cain, Nielson, Servheen, & Schwartz, 2013; Doherty, Naugle, & Walker, 2010; Dzialak et al., 2013, 2012; Harju, Olson, Dzialak, Mudd, & Winstead, 2013; Lewis et al., 2011; Smith, Kirol, Beck, & Blomquist, 2014; Webb et al., 2013; White et al., n.d.) |
6 bins |
1 |
(Johnson & Gillingham, 2005) |
7 bins |
1 |
(Pigeon, Nielsen, Stenhouse, & Côté, 2014) |
10 bins |
7 |
(Dickson et al., 2014; Dzialak et al., 2013; Dzialak, Olson, Webb, Harju, & Winstead, 2015; Florkiewicz, Maraj, Hegel, & Waterreus, 2007; Northrup, Stenhouse, & Boyce, 2012; J. Polfus, Hebblewhite, & Heinemeyer, 2011; Takahata, Nishino, Kido, & Izumiyama, 2013) |
20 bins |
1 |
(Proffitt et al., 2011) |
Equal Interval |
13 |
19.12% |
3 bins |
3 |
(Chimeddorj, Buuveibaatar, Onon, Munkhtogtokh, & Reading, 2013; Enari & Sakamaki–Enari, 2013; Singleton, Lehmkuhl, Gaines, & Graham, 2010) |
4 bins |
4 |
(Campos, Gatica, & Bellis, 2015; Dillard, Russell, & Ford, 2008; Miller, Jhala, Jena, & Schmitz, 2015; Pedersen, Jepsen, Yoccoz, & Fuglei, 2007) |
5 bins |
3 |
(Girard, Bork, Nielsen, & Alexander, 2013; Gottschalk, Ekschmitt, İsfendiyaroglu, Gem, & Wolters, 2007; Shanley, Pyare, & Smith, 2013) |
8 bins |
1 |
(Shanley, Kofinas, & Pyare, 2013) |
10 bins |
2 |
(Shanley & Pyare, 2011; Speed, Woodin, Tømmervik, Tamstorf, & van der Wal, 2009) |
categorical bins w/undefined methods |
6 |
8.82% |
3 bins |
2 |
(Ciarniello, Boyce, Heard, & Seip, 2007; Ciarniello, Boyce, Seip, & Heard, 2009) |
4 bins |
1 |
(Erickson, McDonald, & Skinner, 1998) |
5 bins |
2 |
(Elbroch, Lendrum, Newby, Quigley, & Craighead, 2013; Roever et al., 2013) |
4 to 9 bins |
1 |
(Chetkiewicz & Boyce, 2009) |
Standard deviations |
5 |
7.35% |
4 bins |
2 |
(Bleich et al., 2009; May et al., 2008) |
5 bins |
2 |
(Beerens, Gawlik, Herring, & Cook, 2011; Nielsen et al., 2004) |
6 bins |
1 |
(Montgomery, Roloff, Millspaugh, & Nylen-Nemetchek, 2014) |
Equal Area |
4 |
5.88% |
5 bins |
1 |
(Matthews & Spooner, 2014) |
10 bins |
3 |
(Mark Hebblewhite, Miquelle, Murzin, Aramilev, & Pikunov, 2011; J. L. Polfus, Heinemeyer, & Hebblewhite, 2014; Roever et al., 2013) |
Breakpoint defined by observed data |
4 |
5.88% |
4 classes defined by true positive = true negative |
1 |
(Kinley, Whittington, Dibb, & Newhouse, 2014) |
Percentiles from observed data-10 |
1 |
(Seip et al., 2007) |
binary based on minimum score for used home ranges |
1 |
(Broman, Litvaitis, Ellingwood, Tate, & Reed, 2014) |
4 bins based on predictive accuracy |
1 |
(Jędrzejewski et al., 2008) |
0 – 1 rescale with arbitrary bin breaks |
2 |
2.94% |
4 bins |
1 |
(Sakuragi et al., 2003) |
5 bins |
1 |
(Tamstorf, Aastrup, & Cuyler, 2005) |
Geometric Mean |
3 |
4.41% |
5 bins |
1 |
(Masse, Tefft, & McWilliams, 2014) |
8 bins |
1 |
(Carpenter, Aldridge, & Boyce, 2010) |
10 bins |
1 |
(Aldridge, Saher, Childers, Stahlnecker, & Bowen, 2012) |
binary cutoff |
2 |
2.94% |
threshold between .4 – .6 |
1 |
(Oehlers et al., 2011) |
highest 10% values = high probability |
1 |
(Bleich et al., 2008) |
Total |
68 |
100% |