Fig 2. DII-VENUS for visualizing auxin-induced Aux/IAA degradation during pollen development.
(A) Fluorescence of proMSP1:mDII control and proMSP1:DII plants. MSP1 promoter (proMSP1) is a microspore-specific promoter. E: early, L: late. (B) Quantitative representation of the relative VENUS fluorescence intensity from nucleus of stage 10 and stage 11 pollen. The fluorescence intensity was measured using ImageJ software. Data shown in B represent mean with SD based on more than 20 pollen grains for each group (set as 1 for stage 11 pollen from proMSP1:DII). The symbol * indicates where the difference between proMSP1:DII and proMSP1:mDII at corresponding stage is significant in statistic test (p-value<0.05). Note that the fluorescence signals of DII in stage 10 and stage 11 were much weaker than that in mDII microspores. Bars = 7 μm.