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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Jan 31;26(6):700–710. doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2018.01.005

Table 1.

Subject Characteristics, Grouped by Presence of Self-Reported On/Off Symptoms (n=223)

Variable No fluctuations (NF), (n=134) Treated fluctuations (TF) (n=68) Untreated fluctuations (UF) (n=21) p
Demographic Information
Age, years 69.0 (67.3–70.7) 62.0 (59.8–64.1) 66.4 (63.0–69.9) ***
Age at PD onset, years 64.5 (62.7–66.3) 50.9 (48.4–53.5) 59.4 (55.0–63.8) ***
Sex, male 93 (69.4%) 46 (67.6%) 12 (57.1%) 0.515
Mini-Mental State Exam 28.4 (28.1–28.6) 28.1 (27.7–28.6) 28.4 (27.7 (29.1) 0.895
Family history of PD 33 (24.6%) 17 (25.0%) 7 (35.0%) 0.656
Parkinson’s disease characteristics
Disease duration 4.5 (3.9–5.1) 11.0 (9.4–12.6) 7.0 (4.8–9.1) ***
Hoehn & Yahr stage 2.1 (2.0–2.2) 2.4 (2.3–2.6) 2.3 (2.0–2.6) 0.007**
UPDRS-III Motor Examination score 16.8 (15.2–18.4) 19.6 (16.4–22.8) 22.0 (17.7–26.4) 0.069
Quality of Life (PDQ-8) 4.9 (4.1–5.6) 8.0 (6.9–9.1) 9.2 (6.9–11.4) ***
Levodopa Usage (yes/no) 118 (88.1%) 68 (100%) 20 (95.2%) 0.003**
LEDD (mg/day) 510 (457–564) 897 (775–1018) 721 (596–846) ***
Dopamine agonist usage 41 (30.6%) 28 (43.8%) 4 (19.0%) 0.0691
MAO inhibitor usage 17 (12.7%) 16 (24.2%) 0 0.009**1
COMT inhibitor usage 36 (26.9%) 49 (74.2%) 4 (19.0%) ***1
# With Bilateral DBS (n, %) 7 (5.2%) 19 (27.9%) 0
UPDRS-II ADL “on” vs. “off” score difference 1.24 (0.94–1.54) 4.50 (3.47–5.53) 3.38 (1.19–5.57) ***
Mood Fluctuations (non-UPDRS) 2 (1.5%) 10 (14.7%) 4 (19.0%) ***
Psychiatric Measures
HAM-D-17 total score 6.0 (5.3–6.8) 7.7 (6.5–8.8) 13.0 (10.1–15.9) ***
MADRS total score 6.5 (5.4–7.7) 8.3 (6.6–10.0) 16.0 (11.5–20.6) ***
IDS-C total score 10.9 (9.4–12.3) 12.8 (10.7–14.8) 22.8 (17.0–28.6) ***
BDI total score 9.0 (7.7–10.4) 10.4 (8.8–12.0) 16.9 (13.0–20.8) ***
Any current depressive disorder (DSM- IV TR diagnosis) 50 (37.3%) 37 (54.4%) 15 (71.4%) 0.003**
Suicidality Present (yes/no) 18 (13.4%) 9 (13.2%) 10 (47.6%) 0.001**
SSRI use 33 (24.6%) 27 (39.7%) 9 (42.9%) 0.040*
Past or current alcohol abuse 7 (5.2%) 3 (4.4%) 0 0.889

Patients with a score of 1 or greater on any of the four depression scale suicide items were counted as having suicidality present. SSRI = Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor; MAO = monoamine oxidase; COMT = catechol-O-methyltransferase. For the no fluctuations group, n=133 for PDQ-8 assessment and n=132 for BDI total score. For the treated fluctuations group, n=66 for the BDI scale, MAO inhibitor use, COMT inhibitor use, and dopamine agonist use. For the untreated fluctuations group, n=20 for family history of PD.

p-values derived from Kruskal-Wallis tests (df = 2) calculated in reference to χ2.

p-value derived from Fisher’s exact tests.


p-values represent Fisher’s exact tests between treated fluctuators and untreated fluctuators only.





