Fig. 3.
Representative example of early dry season versus late dry season patterns of savanna burning. Senegal (a) is an example of a low intensity burning country, where the bulk of emissions are produced from low intensity fires prior to the driest month. Australia (b) is an example of a high intensity burning country where the bulk of emissions are produced from high intensity fires during, or following, the driest month. For this study, early dry season (EDS) emissions are calculated using the 5 months prior to the driest month (shaded in blue) and late dry season (LDS) emissions are calculated using the 5 months following the driest month, inclusive of the driest month (shaded in red). The driest month was defined using long term (1981–2010) monthly mean precipitation. For display purposes, precipitation data are centered on the driest month for both Senegal (March) (a) and Australia (August) (b). Monthly mean emissions (2000–2014) of the combined N2O and CH4 components of savanna burning are represented in tCO2-e and are also expressed as a proportion of annual emissions