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. 2018 Feb 20;170(1):89–100. doi: 10.1007/s10549-018-4714-1

Table 1.

Patient and tumor characteristics comparison n = 139

< 5-years group % ≥ 5-years group % p
Primary breast tumor§
  Ductal 51 86 26 93 0.490
  Lobular 8 14 2 7
  Well 3 5 1 3 0.503
  Moderate 34 61 22 73
  Poor 19 34 7 23
 Surgical removal
  Breast conserving 42 45 25 60 0.140
  Mastectomy 51 55 17 40
 Receptor status
  ER positive
   No 9 20 3 14 0.737
   Yes 36 80 19 86
  PR positive
   No 15 35 7 35 1.000
   Yes 28 65 13 65
  Her2/Neu positive
   No 24 69 9 60 0.746
   Yes 11 31 6 40
  ER/PR negative
   No 36 84 18 90 0.706
   Yes 7 16 2 10
 Systemic treatment
  Neoadjuvant chemo
   No 93 97 41 95 0.645
   Yes 3 3 2 5
  Adjuvant chemo
   No 39 41 19 44 0.713
   Yes 57 59 24 56
  Post op hormonal therapy
   No 66 69 26 61 0.341
   Yes 30 31 17 39
 Post op radiotherapy
  No 32 33 13 30 0.845
  Yes 64 67 30 70
Breast cancer liver metastases
  Synchronous 7 7 4 10 0.738
  Metachronous 87 93 38 90
 Mean interval months between primary and BCLM ± SD 50 ± 47 months 43 ± 29 months 0.026*
 Mean number of BCLM ± SD 2 ± 2 2 ± 2 0.803
 Mean maximum tumor size ± SD, mm 33 ± 17 37 ± 20 0.312
  Bilateral 29 32 17 44 0.232
  Unilateral 62 68 22 56
 Concomitant extra-hepatic disease
  No 63 66 35 81 0.071
  Yes 33 34 8 19
 Preoperative chemotherapy
  No 30 31 11 26 0.551
  Yes 66 69 32 74
 Mean age at hepatectomy ± SD 53 ± 11 years 48 ± 10 years 0.208
 Timing of hepatectomy
  Year < 2000 36 38 17 40 0.852
  Year > 2000 60 62 26 60
 Extent of resection
  Limited resection (< 3 segments) 38 40 19 44 0.710
  Major resection (≥ 3 segments) 58 60 24 56
 Type of resection
  Anatomical 32 33 17 40 0.657
  Wedge 35 37 13 30
  Anatomical+wedge 29 30 13 30
 Mean number of resected metastases ± SD 3 ± 2 2 ± 2 0.023*
 Solitary tumor
  No 57 63 19 46 0.090
  Yes 34 37 22 54
 Mean maximum size ± SD, mm (M) 30 ± 26 26 ± 16 0.374
 Resection margin
  R0 52 58 25 66 0.435
  R+ 38 42 13 34
 Hormonal receptor status
  ER− 40 46 7 21 0.021
  ER+ 48 54 26 79
  PR− 57 65 24 73 0.516
  PR+ 31 35 9 27
  Her2/neu− 60 70 23 72 1.000
  Her2/neu+ 26 30 9 28
 Triple negative (ER, PR, HER2/NEU)
  No 66 75 28 85 0.329
  Yes 22 25 5 15
 Lymphatic embolus
  No 28 35 21 66 0.003*
  Yes 53 65 11 34
 Vascular embolus
  No 33 37 24 63 0.011*
  Yes 56 63 14 37
 Regional lymph node invasion
  Negative for tumor cells 9 41 4 57 0.667
 Positive for tumor cells 13 59 3 43
 Distant lymph node invasion
  Negative for tumor cells 12 75 1 100 1.000
  Positive for tumor cells 4 25 0 0
Post hepatectomy
 Postoperative chemotherapy
  No 35 37 9 21 0.078
  Yes 61 64 34 79
 Hormonal therapy after resection
  No 63 66 11 26 0.000*
  Yes 33 34 32 74
 Monoclonal therapy after resection
  No 72 75 25 58 0.071
  Yes 24 25 18 42
  No 58 60 15 35 0.006*
  Yes 38 40 28 65
 Repeat hepatectomy
  No 95 99 25 58 0.000*
  Yes 1 1 18 42

§Referring center for hepatectomy, primary usually is treated in a different hospital, *p-value < 0.05