Figure 3.
Measurement of Broken Fraction
(A) Schematic view of the ligation mediated (LM)-PCR assay to detect the broken ends after DSB induction. See text for explanation.
(B) Representative agarose gel of the LM-PCR products of a time series. The expected product is 205 bp in size.
(C) The broken fraction measured as band intensities (data from 8 LM-PCR experiments from 4 independent time series; values are a.u.; mean ± SD). Solid blue line shows an ODE curve fit to the LM-PCR data to determine τ (blue shading, mean ± SD).
(D and E) Same as (B) and (C) but with primers 2 and 3 that do not span the break site. The expected product is 163 bp in size. Values are in a.u., mean ± SD, based on 7 PCR experiments from 3 independent time series.