Table 1. Overview and supplementary information about the analyzed eosauropterygian specimens.
Species | Higher taxon | Specimen number | Bone | Plane of section | Previous studies | Geological time | Reference to geological time |
Anarosaurus heterodontus | Pachypleurosauridae | Wijk. 06-38fe | Femur | Transverse | Klein (2012) | Middle Triassic | Klein (2012) |
Neusticosaurus edwardsii | Pachypleurosauridae | PIMUZ T3455 | Humerus | Transverse | Sander (1989, 1990) | Middle Triassic | Carroll & Gaskill (1985) |
Nothosaurus sp. | Nothosauroidea | IGWH 21 | Femur | Transverse | Klein (2010) | Middle Triassic | Rieppel (2000) and Rieppel & Wild (1996) |
Pistosaurus longaevus | Pistosauroidea | SMNS 84825 | Humerus | Transverse | Krahl, Klein & Sander (2013) | Middle Triassic | Geissler (1895) and Sues (1987) |
Plesiosaurus dolichodirus | Plesiosauria | STIPB R90 | Femur | Transverse | Wintrich et al. (2017) | Early Jurassic | Conybeare (1824) |
Rhaeticosaurus mertensi | Plesiosauria | LWL-MfN P 64047 section PM 3 | Femur | Transverse | Wintrich et al. (2017) | Late Triassic | Wintrich et al. (2017) |
Cryptoclidus eurymerus | Plesiosauria | STIPB R 324 | Femur | Transverse | Wintrich et al. (2017) | Middle Jurassic | Brown & Cruickshank (1994) |
Elasmosauridae indet. | Plesiosauria | OMNH MV 85 | Humerus | Transverse | Wintrich et al. (2017) | Late Cretaceous | Williston (1906) |
Abbreviations of collection numbers: Wijk, National Museum of Natural History Naturalis, Leiden, The Netherlands; PIMUZ, Paleontological Institute and Museum of the University of Zurich, Switzerland; IGWH, Institute of Geosciences of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; SMNS, Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History, Germany; STIPB, Steinmann-Institute, Division of Paleontology, University of Bonn, Germany; LWL-MfN, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Museum für Naturkunde, Münster, Germany; OMNH, Osaka Museum of Natural History, Osaka, Japan. Histological thin sections are housed in the histology slide collections of the Steinmann Institute, University of Bonn, Germany.