Figure 1. Histological staining reveals structural changes in MetS and old swine.
Representative VVG histological stain of right coronary arteries reveals lean young swine (A) have almost no neointima formation. MetS young swine (B) and lean old swine (C) have similar media thickness. MetS old swine (D) had the most advanced neointimal thickening. (E) MetS young and lean old swine both have significantly greater wall thickness compared to lean young swine, and MetS old swine exhibited the most severe wall thickness. (F) MetS young and lean old swine both exhibit media thickening that is significantly greater compared to lean young swine. (G) MetS young swine trend towards a greater intima:media area ratio compared to lean young, and MetS old swine have a greater intima:media ratio than the other groups, indicating a greater contribution of neointimal growth to disease pathology. External elastic lamina = green dashed line; internal elastic lamina = yellow dotted line; lumen = red dashed line. A, adventitia; M, media (wall); I, intima (plaque); L, lumen. *, p < 0.05 compared with lean swine; †, p < 0.05 compared with young swine. (Lean young = 6; MetS young = 9; Lean old = 4; MetS old = 3.)