Figure 1. Decreased expression of MBP and PLP myelin protein and reduced myelin thickness in brain of CNP;Cdk5 CKO animals.
(A–B) Representative immunostained images of MBP (A) and Black Gold II (B) myelin staining in the cortex (CTX) and corpus callosum (CC) of CNP;Cdk5 CKO mice at P14, P21 and 2M and their age-matched control littermates. Quantitative analysis of MBP intensity level at P7, P14, P21 and 2 months is shown Fig S1B. (C) Immunostaining of 2M specimens for MBP and Black Gold II (BG) shows hypomyelination in CNP;Cdk5 CKO hippocampus (Hippo). Axons stained with neurofilament (NF 200) are unaffected. (D) Western blot analysis of MBP and PLP protein expression in CTX, Hippo and CC of 2-month-old CNP;Cdk5 CKO mice and control littermates. (E) Quantification of relative protein expression level of MBP and PLP in CNP;Cdk5 CKO and control animals. (F -G) Reduction of myelin and fewer myelinated axon in CTX and CC of CNP;Cdk5 CKO at P21 and 2-month old was confirmed by toluidine blue staining (F) and EM analysis (G). (H) G-ratio analysis revealed the reduction of myelin thickness in the CTX and CC of P 21 and 2-month-old CNP;Cdk5 CKO mice compared with controls. Values are mean ± SEM. In E: **P < 0.01. ***P < 0.001. n = 4 animals per genotype. two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test. Scale bars: a-c = 200 μm; f = 25 μm and g = 10 μm.