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. 2018 Apr 11;35(7):1798–1811. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy069

Table 1.

Data Set Names and References, Clade Names, and Summary Information of the UCE Alignments Used to Evaluate the Two New Partitioning Methods.

UCE data set Clade (scientific name) Clade (common name) Size (bp) UCEs OTUs GC% References
Branstetter Aculeata Stinging wasps 183747 807 187 46 Branstetter et al. (2017)
Crawford Sauria Diapsids 465241 1143 10 38 Crawford et al. (2012)
Harrington Pleuronectiformes Flatfishes 235232 999 55 44 Harrington et al. (2016)
McCormack Neoaves Birds 539526 1537 33 37 McCormack et al. (2013)
Meiklejohn Phasianidae Gallopheasants 599627 1479 18 43 Meiklejohn et al. (2016)
Moyle Oscines Songbirds 375172 515 106 40 Moyle et al. (2016)
Prebus Temnothorax Acorn ants 1561581 2098 50 44 Prebus (2017)