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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jun 11.
Published in final edited form as: Uncertain Artif Intell. 2017 Aug;2017:269.

Algorithm 1.


Input: z1:T=z1:T[k1], θ = θk−1
Output: z̃1:T [k] ~ ℳθk−1 (·|1:T [k − 1])
Compute {Ωt,λt}t=1T according to (19a)(19g)
Draw z1i with z1i~pθ(z1) for i = 1, …, N
Compute μ1i,1i, and w1i for i = 1, …, N
for t=2 to T do
graphic file with name nihms904883t1.jpg Draw ati with P(ati=j)wt1j for i = 1, …, N
// Resampling and ancestor sampling
Draw zti with zti~pθ(zt) for i = 1, …, N
Compute {Mt1i,ηt1i} according to (18a) and (18b)
Draw aNi according to (15) for i = 1, …, N
// Particle propagation
Set z1:ti={z1:t1ati,zti} for i = 1, …, N
Set μ^f,1:t1i=μ^f,1:t1ati,μ^p,1:t1i=μ^p,1:t1ati,
// Weighting
Compute μ^f,ti,μ^p,ti,^f,ti, and ^p,ti
Compute weights wti according to (20)
Draw J with P(J=j)WTj and set z1:T[k]=z1:TJ.