A-B. Open-field (OF) activity levels were assessed at P80 and P130 respectively. Open-field habituation shows relatively intact explorative learning for all three groups tested. Symbols denote where habituation occurred: the interval during which the # of beambreaks compared to that of the 1st interval became statistically significant; repeated measures ANOVA, F(4, 76) = 9.82, F(4, 32) = 5.97, F(4, 32) = 8.18; n=20, 10, 9 for sham, P7, P10 ligates respectively for P80 OF; F(4, 72) = 24.37, F(4, 28) = 6.42, F(4, 28) = 4.62; n=19, 8, 8 for sham, P7, P10 ligates respectively for P130 OF) All groups habituated by the end. C. Significantly impaired habituation of hyperactive cohort (n=3) in OF habituation curve; F(4, 4) = 0.28, F(4, 8) = 0.76, for P80 and P130 respectively. No habituation occurred in this cohort. D. Representative OF maps revealed few animals (n=1 P7, n=2 P10) in ligated cohort that are significantly hyperactive compared to sham and non-hyperactive ligates. E. Total OF activity quantitated by the number of beam-breaks shows extremely high activity of hyperactive cohorts [# of beam-breaks > 6000s]; ANOVA p<0.001 for HA for both P80 and 130, although the assumption of homogenous variance is violated due to the small sample size of ligate hyperactive group). F. Behavioral tests for anxiety and spatial memory show no significant impairment in P7 or P10 ligates (One-way ANOVA; in order of tests, F=0.40, 1.72, 0.85 and p=0.68, 0.20, 0.44; n=20, 9, and 8 for groups respectively); please see methods for percent score calculations; the diamond symbol denotes an outlier. G. Social interaction tests show no significant deficit in ligates compared to sham (S1 for social recognition and S2 for social preference); One-way ANOVA; in order of tests, F=0.50, 0.51, 0.82, 0.05 and p=0.61, 0.61, 0.46, p=0.95; n=16, 5, and 7 for groups respectively. H. Prepulse inhibition failed to detect any clear alteration in acoustic sensitivity for P7 and P10 ligates compared to sham (neither the one-way ANOVA among groups nor the repeated measures ANOVA across decibels).