Table 4.
Statement | Response∗ mean (SD) |
The text was easy to read | 4.41 (1.09) |
The information was placed where I expected it to be | 4.14 (0.88) |
The color and layout used in the application was distracting∗∗ | 4.62 (0.78) |
The terms used in the application were comprehensible | 3.93 (1.36) |
I understood what was meant with the term “levels” | 4.38 (1.12) |
I knew what the training was about by reading the names of the games | 3.89 (1.26) |
It was easy to navigate between different menus | 4.03 (1.27) |
It was easy to view the progression that was made on different challenges | 3.97 (1.35) |
I thought logging in was difficult∗∗ | 4.48 (1.24) |
Controlling the application was easy to learn | 4.69 (0.81) |
Learning what the terms meant was easy | 4.14 (1.30) |
∗Ratings on a Likert scale with 1 corresponding to “completely disagree” and 5 corresponding to “completely agree.” Standard deviations appear in parentheses next to means. ∗∗Data shown on a reversed scale, higher score indicate higher ratings of usability.