Subject area |
Physiology |
More specific subjects |
Neuroscience |
Type of data |
Human neuroimaging data |
How data was acquired |
Magnetoencephalography, MRI, see Honkanen et al., 2015 |
Data format |
MEG forward-, inverse-operators, simulated functional connectivity graphs |
Experimental features |
Source time-series were generated to reflect the functional connectivity of simulated ground-truth graphs. These ground-truth time-series were next forward- and inverse-modeled to represent a virtual MEG measurement thus introducing linear mixing between sources. Next, functional connectivity was estimated from these source-modeled time-series using a zero-lag-free interaction metric. Finally, hyperedge bundling were performed and hyperedge sensitivity, specificity and separatablity were compared against that of raw metric edges. |
Data source location |
Helsinki, Finland |
Data accessibility |
The sample dataset, software executable and source code is publically available from below link to repository: | |
These are original DATA that have not been published elsewhere |