Sporulation efficiencies of B. subtilis strains
Strain | Relevant genotype | Yield (%) of heat-resistant sporesa |
1A1 | Wild type | 67 ± 4b |
LMD101 | ΔspoVD | 0c |
LMD158 | ΔpbpI | 55 ± 9 |
LMD162 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::ery | 0c |
LMD163 | ΔspoVD amyE::Pxyl-gfp-spoVD | 83 ± 5 |
LMD166 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::Pxyl-gfp-spoVD | 57 ± 2 |
LMD167 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::Pxyl-gfp-spoVD2–214-pbpI236–584 | 0c |
LMD168 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::Pxyl-gfp-pbpI1–235-spoVD215–646 | 0c |
LMD170 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::Pxyl-gfp-pbpI | 0c |
LMD174 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::Pxyl-gfp-pbpI1–40-spoVD41–646 | 0c |
LMD175 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::Pxyl-gfp-spoVD2–40-pbpI41–584 | 0c |
LMD185 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::PσE-gfp-spoVD | 68 ± 9d |
LMD186 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::PσE-gfp-pbpI | 0c,d |
LMD187 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::PσE-gfp-pbpI1–40-spoVD41–646 | 0c,d |
LMD188 | ΔspoVD ΔpbpI amyE::PσE-gfp-spoVD2–40-pbpI41–584 | 0c,d |
Cells were sporulated for 2 days at 37°C in NSMP supplemented with 0.2% (wt/vol) xylose. The heat-resistant spore yield was assayed by incubation at 80°C for 10 min and calculated as CFU after heating divided by CFU of nonheated culture. The results are presented as the averages from three independent experiments ± SEMs.
Data from reference 15. The cells were grown in the absence of xylose.
No colonies were obtained when 100 μl heated culture was plated on TBAB. Three independent experiments were done, including one biological replicate using another clone.
The cells were grown in the absence of xylose.