a. YFP labelling efficiency in blood lineages at different embryonic and adult time points (E14.5, n=9; E16.5, n=9; E18.5, n=7; P8, n=7; 4-week-old, n=6; 12 week-old, n=9; 40 week-old, n=7) in Flt3Cre Rosa26YFP mice are shown. Lymphocytes were gated as CD3+/CD19+, Granulocytes (CD11b+ Gr1+ CD115-), Gr1+ monocytes (CD11b+ Gr1+ CD115+), Gr1- monocytes (CD11b+ Gr1- CD115+) and Red Blood Cells (RBCs, CD45- Ter119+). b, YFP labelling efficiency in bone marrow LT-HSC, ST-HSC, MPP and Lin- Sca1- Kit+ progenitors in 4 (n=3) and 12 week-old (n=6) Flt3Cre Rosa26YFP mice. c, YFP labelling efficiency in fetal liver RBC progenitors (CD45+ Ter119+) and RBCs (CD45- Ter119+) in Flt3Cre Rosa26YFP mice (E14.5, n=5; E16.5, n=5; E18.5, n=7) and comparison of YFP labelling efficiency in fetal liver and blood RBCs in Flt3Cre Rosa26YFP mice at E14.5 (n=5), E16.5 (n=5) and E18.5 (n=7). d, Expression of Gr1 and MHC II, Ly-6G and Siglec-F, CD11c and CD64, and Nkp46 and CD19 among F4/80low CD11bhigh myeloid cells in the liver. Histograms represent Flt3Cre YFP labelling efficiency in the following defined populations: Granulocytes (Gr1+ MHC II- or Ly-6G+), Eosinophils (Siglec-F+), Dendritic cells (CD11c+), B cells (CD19+) and NK cells (Nkp46+) (n=3). e, Analysis of F4/80low CD11bhigh myeloid cells in the lung as in (b). f, Analysis of F4/80low CD11bhigh myeloid cells in the spleen as in (b). g, Expression of CD64 in F4/80bright macrophages and F4/80low myeloid cells in the liver, lung and spleen (FMO, Fluorescence minus one).