Bdnf DNA methylation in the PD72 and PD10 hippocampus. (A) On PD72, there was no effect of neonatal condition on methylation status at exon I. WRWR rats showed significantly less Bdnf DNA methylation at exon I compared with SH in the SC and SI groups. (B) There was no effect of neonatal condition on exon IV methylation status. In the SC group, a priori analysis revealed that WRWR was associated with lower DNA methylation compared with the SH condition. (C) On PD10, AE and SI animals showed significantly less Bdnf DNA methylation at exon I, but not exon IV (D), in the hippocampus compared with SC. * p <0.05, *** p <0.001. Data is expressed as a fold change ± SEM from the SC/SH (PD72) or SC (PD10) group (shown as 1 on graphs).