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. 2018 Jun 13;9(6):158. doi: 10.1038/s41424-018-0026-3

Table 3.

Preoperative and operative details regarding nine patients who underwent surgery and/or received a final diagnosis of malignancy

Pt. # Age (y) Year of diagnosis Time from diagnosis (mo) Indication Primary role of EUS FNAC Procedure Histology
1 63 2005 13 WFs: nodule, cyst size ≥3 cm, cyst wall thickening Yes HGA TP IPMN-PDAC
2 65 2005 90 WFs: nodule, cyst wall thickening Yes HGA DP HGD (gastric type)
3 66 2007 58 HRS: jaundice
WF: MPD 5–9 mm
Yes (detected solid mass) LGA PD IPMN-PDAC
4a 72 2009 21 WFs: nodule, acute pancreatitis Yes DP LGD (gastric type)
5a 46 2010 21 WFs: nodule, cyst size ≥3 cm Yes PD IGD (intestinal type)
6b 81 2010 50 WF: MPD 5–9 mm Yes (detected solid mass) HGA
7 52 2011 60 WF: cyst size ≥3 cm (40 mm)
Cyst size growth >5 mm/y
No PD HGD (intestinal type)
8 60 2011 46 WF: MPD 5–9 mm rapidly escalated to HRS: MPD ≥10 mm Yes PD IPMN-PDAC
9 57 2011 62 HRS: enhancing nodule Yes HGA PD HGD (gastric type)

The indications for surgery were established by endoscopic ultrasound in seven out of eight cases. Presence of any other worrisome features was reported, although they would not drive surgical decision per se

DP distal pancreatectomy, EUS endoscopic ultrasound, FNAC fine-needle aspiration cytology, LGA low-grade atypia, LGD low-grade dysplasia, HGA high-grade atypia, HGD high-grade dysplasia, HRS high-risk stigmata, IGD intermediate-grade dysplasia, MPD main pancreatic duct, PD pancreaticoduodenectomy, PDAC pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, TP total pancreatectomy, WF worrisome feature

aSurgical overtreatment of patients with low- to intermediate-grade dysplasia on histological examination

bInoperable patient with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma distinct from IPMN