(A) Representative pictures of primary human atrial Fib from patients without AF, immunostained for PAR1 after no treatment or exposure to thrombin (Th), dabigatran followed by thrombin (Dab + Th), or dabigatran alone (Dab). (B) Representative pictures of immunofluorescence for PAR1 in primary Fib from non-fibrillating atria, transfected with negative control siRNA (siCTR) or siRNA targeting human PAR1 (siPAR1), with or without subsequent incubation with dabigatran (Dab). Magnification is 200×, bars indicate 50 μm. (C) Western blot for PAR1, confirming the knockdown of PAR1 protein after transfection with siPAR1, but not siCTR.