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. 2018 Jun 13;8:9040. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-27222-6

Table 5.

Effect of clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical factors that may affect the sonographic features of TN invasive breast carcinoma. Data are presented as frequency (%).

Shape Angular/spiculated margin Posterior acoustic enhancement Calcifications
Regular Irregular Yes No Yes No Yes No
<45 yrs 8 (28.6) 20 (71.4) 2 (7.1) 26 (92.9) 12 (42.9) 16 (57.1) 4 (14.3) 24 (85.7)
45–60 yrs 16 (33.3) 32 (66.7) 8 (16.7) 40 (83.3) 16 (33.3) 32 (66.7) 10 (20.8) 38 (79.2)
>60 yrs 7 (25) 21 (75) 8 (28.6) 20 (71.4) 5 (17.9) 23 (82.1) 8 (28.6) 20 (71.4)
P value 0.735 0.104 0.126 0.423
Tumor size
<2 cm 13 (30.2) 30 (69.8) 4 (9.3) 39 (90.7) 14 (32.6) 29 (67.4) 9 (20.9) 34 (79.1)
2–5 cm 18 (30) 42 (70) 14 (23.3) 46 (76.7) 18 (30) 42 (70) 13 (21.7) 47 (78.3)
>5 cm 0 (0) 1 (100) 0 (0) 1 (100) 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (100)
P value 0.807 0.161 0.325 0.87
Pathological grade
Low 1 (5.6) 17 (94.4) 4 (22.2) 14 (77.8) 6 (33.3) 12 (67.7) 4 (22.2) 14 (77.8)
High 29 (35.4) 53 (64.6) 12 (14.6) 70 (85.4) 26 (31.7) 56 (68.3) 17 (20.7) 65 (79.3)
P value 0.012 0.426 0.893 0.888
Ki 67 level
<40% 2 (9.5) 19 (90.5) 8 (38.1) 13 (61.9) 8 (38.1) 13 (61.9) 6 (28.6) 15 (71.4)
≥40% 29 (34.9) 54 (65.1) 10 (12.0) 73 (88.0) 25 (30.1) 58 (69.9) 16 (19.3) 67 (80.7)
P value 0.023 0.005 0.483 0.352
HER2 score
0 or 1 29 (32.2) 61 (67.8) 15 (16.7) 75 (83.3) 30 (33.3) 60 (66,7) 16 (17.8) 74 (82.2)
2 2 (14.3) 12 (85.7) 3 (21.4) 11 (78.6) 3 (21.4) 11 (78.6) 6 (42.9) 8 (57.1)
P value 0.172 0.661 0.373 0.033