Mean daily weight gain (A), food intake (B), and energy efficiency (C) of rats fed a control diet or 1 of 4 low-protein diets with different phosphorus concentrations for 9 wk. Triangles indicate the control group (20% protein and 0.3% P). Circles indicate the 4 low-protein groups (10% protein with 0.015% P, 0.056% P, 0.1% P, or 0.3% P). Food intake, weight gain, and energy efficiency are expressed as means ± SDs as a function of the level of phosphorus in the diet (n = 9 or 10). Energy efficiency was calculated as the mean weight gained per day per 100 kcal of the corresponding diet consumed. One-factor ANOVA and specific comparisons were made between each of the 5 groups using Fisher's pairwise comparisons. Values that do not share the same superscript letter are significantly different (P < 0.05).