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. 2018 Jun 13;13(6):e0198295. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198295

Table 1. Morphometrics and record information for instrumented whales.

Body mass is estimated from standard length [20]. Based on his length, Balder is considered immature. The females are considered adult, but Thora only marginally so.

Whale (sex) Length (cm) Fluke width (cm) Mass (kg) Year Record start Record end Record duration hh:mm (d)
Freya (F) 420 93 1045 2013 8 Aug. 16:41 11 Aug. 12:55 68:14 (2.8)
Thora (F) 341 84 560 2014 11 Aug. 15:32 15 Aug. 22:19 102:47 (4.3)
Mára (F) 390 95 824 2014 11 Aug. 16:15 12 Aug. 02:15 10:00 (0.4)
Frida (F) 380 85 762 2015 15 Aug. 18:31 19 Aug. 05:12 82:41 (3.4)
Eistla (F) a ~360 c - 650 2016 24 Aug. 13:16 28 Aug. 19:47 102:31 (4.3)
Balder (M) b 372 90 685 2016 24 Aug. 12:50 31 Aug. 11:54 167:04 (7.0)
SUM: 533:17 (22.2)

a Accompanied by a calf

b Tusk length 74 cm

c Estimated