Table 5.
Overview of actors engaged in the value chain cases
Case | Dutch Government | Government production (countries) | NGOs/CSOs | Research | Private sector | Other |
Cocoa certification | Ministries of Economic and Foreign Affairs | Indirectly through commodity programs & projects | Involved in IDH STAP as partners e.g., Solidaridad | Indirectly through monitoring and evaluation studies | Traders and processing companies, wholesalers and retailers | Certification and support organizations e.g., UTZ Certified |
Cocoa PES | Ministry of Economic Affairs | Directly through projects in origin countries e.g., Ghana | AgroEco Louis Bolk | – | Consultants, traders and processing companies | – |
Soy RTRS | Ministries of Economic and Foreign Affairs | Indirectly through commodity programs & projects | Involved directly through membership of RTRS, via IDH STAP, funding projects and evaluations | Indirectly through monitoring and evaluation studies | Traders and processing companies, wholesalers and retailers | RTRS Secretariat, certification, audit and support organizations |
Palm oil RSPO | Ministries of Economic and Foreign Affairs | Indirectly through commodity programs & projects | Involved in IDH STAP, RSPO, directly initiators e.g., WWF, funding projects and evaluations | Indirectly through monitoring and evaluation studies | Traders and processing companies, wholesalers and retailers | RSPO Secretariat certification, audit and support organizations |
Timber IDH-STAP | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Indirectly through commodity programs | Involved in STAP as partners e.g., WWF | Indirectly through monitoring and evaluation studies | Dutch concession holders & processing companies, wholesalers and retailers | FSC Netherlands and support organizations |
Timber FSC & ForCES | Indirectly (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other bilateral aid agencies) potential buyers | Indirectly through FLEGT/VPAs | Very active (ForCES: WWF,SNV, RECOFTC/ FSC, WWF, Greenpeace, SMN, ICCO) | Directly via CIFOR | FSC: concession holders & timber companies. | UN, GEF, FSC national and international, ANSAB |
ForCES: forest managers, concession holders, private sector | ||||||
ES buyers not identified | ||||||
Timber Dutch public procurement | Cabinet, Parliament, Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment | Indirectly through TPAC actor internet forum | Indirectly via TPAC internet forum & watchdogs (Friends of the Earth NL, Greenpeace, ICCO, WWF) | – | Building contractors, timber industry, timber importers, (VVNH) | Stichting Probos, Centrum Hout, Stichting Milieukeur, TPAC actor internet forum, AgentschapNL, FSC-NL, PEFC- NL, PIANOo, TPAC |
Timber REDD + | Ministries of Economic and Foreign Affairs | National governments | Indirectly through advisers, consultants, conducting studies | Indirectly through advisers, conducting studies | – | UN, World Bank |
Translations and abbreviations from Dutch (in italics)
AgentschapNL Dutch Agency, Stichting Probos, Probos Association, Centrum Hout Timber Centre, Stichting Milieukeur Environmental Certification System Association, ANSAB Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources, CIFOR Centre for International Forestry Research, FLEGT Forest Law Enforcement and Governance and Trade, FSC Forest Stewardship Council, ICCO International Cocoa Organisation, IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative, PEFC Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, PIANOo Expertise centre for Contracting, Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs, RECOFTC Centre for People and Forests, REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, RTRS Roundtable for Responsible Soy, SMN Stichting Natuur & Mileu Association for the Environment & Nature, SNV Netherlands Development Organization, STAP Sustainable Trade Action Plan, TPAC Timber Procurement Assessment Committee, UN United Nations, VPA Voluntary Partnership Agreement, WWF Worldwide Fund for Nature, VVNH Netherlands Timber Trade Association