Fig. 2.
Unsupervised clustering of endometrial LCM samples. a. A multidimensional scaling plot (principal component analysis) for the 500 genes showing the highest pairwise fold changes between the samples in the dataset for LCM samples was performed in EdgeR. Samples from the same group are shown in the same color. b-d Hierarchical cluster analysis of differentially expressed genes identified for the luminal epithelium (b), glandular epithelium (c), and stroma (d). Mean-centered expression values (log2 counts per million of sample – mean of log2 counts per million of all samples) for the samples of the control and pregnant groups are shown for genes with significant differences in gene expression (FDR < 1%). Color scale is from − 2 (blue, lower than mean) to 2 (red, higher than mean). Each row represents 1 gene, each column 1 sample. The first letter of the sample IDs indicates the group (C or P: control or pregnant group) and the second the cell type (L, G, and S: luminal epithelium, glandular epithelium, and the stromal cells), followed by the ID of the animal, respectively