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. 2018 Jun 4;5(3):ENEURO.0083-18.2018. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0083-18.2018

Table 1.

Patient characteristics

Subject ID Sex Age, y Handednessa Tumor lateralization Tumor location Tumor size, cm3 Tumor histologyb
PAT01 F 67 1.00 Left Frontal 1.69 Meningioma I
PAT02 F 49 1.00 Right Frontal 0.75 Meningioma I
PAT03 F 60 1.00 Right Parietal 78.44 Meningioma I
PAT05 F 40 1.00 Left Frontal 12.95 Oligo-astrocytoma II
PAT06 F 67 1.00 Bilateral Frontal 12.81 Meningioma I
PAT07 M 55 -0.16 Left Temporal 33.94 Ependymoma II
PAT08 M 51 1.00 Left Frontal 16.81 Meningioma I
PAT10 F 77 1.00 Left Frontal 0.59 Meningioma I
PAT11 F 74 1.00 Left Frontal 20.73 Meningioma II
PAT13 F 40 -0.68 Bilateral Skull base 2.09 Meningioma I
PAT14 F 74 1.00 Left Parietal 3.45 Meningioma I
PAT15 F 57 1.00 Right Frontal 2.13 Meningioma I
PAT16 M 39 1.00 Right Fronto-temporal 50.24 Anaplastic astrocytoma II–III
PAT17 F 49 1.00 Right Frontal 0.58 Meningioma I
PAT19 F 44 1.00 Right Frontal skull base 2.64 Meningioma I
PAT20 F 70 0.60 Right Parietal 15.24 Anaplastic astrocytoma III
PAT22 M 53 1.00 Right Parietal 15.16 Oligodendroglioma II
PAT23 M 74 1.00 Bilateral Frontal 89.56 Meningioma I
PAT24 M 62 1.00 Left Frontal 5.91 Meningioma I
PAT25 F 46 1.00 Right Temporal 18.56 Glioma II
PAT26 M 61 1.00 Right Temporal 59.21 Anaplastic astrocytoma III
PAT27 M 38 1.00 Left Frontal 13.24 Astrocytoma II
PAT28 M 44 1.00 Left Frontal 11.49 Oligodendroglioma II
PAT29 M 45 0.90 Left Frontal 36.20 Oligodendroglioma III
PAT31 F 31 0.90 Left Frontal 4.24 Oligodendroglioma II

–1, left-handed; 0, ambidextrous; +1, right-handed.


(Oligo-)astrocytoma, ependymoma, and oligodendroglioma are subtypes of glioma tumors. See also Table 1-1.