Phenotypes of the wild-type and osfdml1-1 spikelets. A, Wild-type spikelet (genetic background Hwayoung) with dissected lemma. Arrowhead indicates the MRP structure. The red rectangles indicate the position of scanning electron microscopy and the cell identity of the MRP structure. B, osfdml1-1 spikelets developing a lemma-like palea in whorl 1 and MRP-like structures in whorl 2. Arrowhead indicates the MRP-like structure. The red rectangles indicate the positions of scanning electron microscopy and the cell identity of the BOP and abnormal MRP structures. C, osfdml1-1 spikelet with dissected lemma and the lemma-like palea showing extra lodicules and MRP-like structure in whorl 2. Arrowhead indicates the extra lodicules in the palea side. The red rectangles indicate the positions of scanning electron microscopy and the cell identity of the MRP-like structure. D, Wild-type spikelet with lodicules in lemma side, six stamens, and one pistil with two stigmas. Asterisks indicate the stamens. E, osfdml1-1 spikelets showing extra lodicules in palea side. Arrowhead indicates the extra lodicules in palea side. Asterisks indicate the stamens. F, Wild-type pistil with two stigmas. G, Vertical section of the wild-type ovary. Arrowheads indicate the carpel, integument, ovule, and embryo sac. H, osfdml1-1 pistil with three stigmas. I, osfdml1-1 pistil with three stigmas and an exposed ovule. J and K, Vertical section of the osfdml1-1 ovary. Occasionally two ovaries fused together (K). Arrowheads indicate the carpel, integument, and ovule. L and M, Diagrams of the wild-type and osfdml1-1 spikelets. eg, Empty glum; pa, palea; llp, lemma-like palea; st, stamen; lo, lodicule; elo, extra lodicules; mrp, marginal region of palea; mrpl, mrp-like structure; bop, body of palea; amrp, abnormal mrp structure; Ov, ovary; stg, stigma; ov, ovule; in, integument; ems, embryo sac; ca, carpel; eov, exposed ovule; vb, vascular bundle; loc, locule; eca, extra carpel. Bars = 2 mm in A and B, 1 mm in C to E, 500 μm in F, H, and I, and 100 μm in G, J, and K.