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. 2018 Jun 14;13(6):e0198730. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198730

Table 1. Characteristics of included studies.

Study Intervention Group Condition Control Group
Primary Outcome
Intensity, Model, and Systemic Interventions (SI) Target Population Intervention Duration,
Session Length, and Format
Daley-McCoy et al., 2014e
Intensity: Universal.
Model: “Psychoeducation.”
SI: Communication and problem-solving skills traininga
Women and their partners (n = 47)
expecting their first baby
Duration: 5 standard antenatal care classes with an additional session after the last class.
Length: 2 hours.
Format: Group.
Standard care
(n = 36)
Depression: Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS).
Family Functioning: Couple Communication Scale.
Feinberg & Kan, 2008b
Level: Universal.
Model: “Family Foundations.”
SI: Communication, problem-solving, and conflict management skillsa
Women and their partners (n = 79) expecting their first baby Duration: 4 prenatal classes and 4 postnatal classes.
Length: 2 hours.
Format: Group.
No treatment control condition
(n = 73)
Depression: Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale.
Family Functioning: Video-taped couple interactions.
Fisher et al., 2016b, f
Level: Universal.
Model: “What Were We Thinking.”
SI: Communication, conflict management skills & parenting skillsa
First-time parents (n = 187) of infants Duration: 1 session integrated into standard primary care program.
Length: 6 hours.
Format: Group.
Standard care
(n = 177)
Depression: Patient Health Questionnaire– 9 item.
Family Functioning: Intimate Bonds Measure and a single item relationship quality measure.
Gambrel & Piercy 2015
Level: Universal.
Model: “Mindfulness-based relationship education.”
SI: Cognitive, interpersonal mindfulness skillsa
Women and their partners (n = 32) expecting their first baby Duration: 4 weekly sessions.
Length: 2 hours.
Format: Group.
Wait-list control group (n = 34) Depression: Depression Anxiety Stress Scale–Depression subscale.
Family Functioning: Couple Satisfaction Index.
Misri et al., 2000
Level: Treatment.
Model: “Psychoeducation.”
SI: Supportive communication.
Postpartum womeng diagnosed with MDDc and their partners (n = 32) Duration: 6 weekly sessions followed by 1 session, a month later. Partners attended 4 of the 7 sessions.
Length: Not specified.
Format: Individual couple sessions.
Psychoeducation sessions with only patients (n = 25) Depression: EPDS.
Family Functioning: Dyadic Adjustment Scale.
Mulcahy et al., 2010b
Level: Treatment.
Model: “Interpersonal Group Therapy.”
SI: Partners learned to support and respond to depressed women.
Postpartum womeng (n = 23) diagnosed with MDDc and their partners Duration: 8 weekly sessions and 1 partner session.
Length: 2 hours.
Format: Group.
Treatment as usual (n = 27) Depression: EPDS.
Family Functioning: Dyadic Adjustment Scale.
Ortiz Collado et al., 2014e
Level: Indicated prevention.
Model: Humanistic and cognitive-behavioral.d
SI: Communication skills to strengthen affective bonds.a
Pregnant womeng and their partners (n = 138) Duration: 10 weekly sessions.
Length: 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Format: Group.
Care (n = 116)
Depression: EPDS.
Family Functioning: Dyadic Adjustment Scale.

aWe classified these interventions as cognitive-behavioral.

b Only included in the meta-analysis for the depression outcome. See the subsection “Managing missing quantitative data” for more details.

cMDD = Major Depressive Disorder.

dClassification of systemic interventions was confirmed through personal communication with Dr. Ortiz Collado.

eFollow-ups occurred between one month and six weeks (n = 2) after the last intervention session.

fFollow-up occurred five months after the last intervention session.

gPrimaparous and multiparous women were included.