TLC [ml] |
Total lung capacity |
RV [ml] |
Residual volume |
FRC [ml] |
Functional residual capacity |
VC[ml] |
Vital capacity |
RR [br/min] |
Respiratory rate |
f [br/s] |
Respiratory frequency |
T [s] |
Duration of respiratory cycle |
VT [ml] |
Tidal volume |
[ml/min] |
Minute ventilation |
[ml/s] |
Airflow |
Amus [cm H2O] |
Muscle pressure amplitude |
Ptm [cm H2O] |
Transmural pressure |
PA [cm H2O] |
Alveolar pressure |
Pel [cm H2O] |
Lung elastic recoil (transpulmonary pressure) |
Pve [cm H2O] |
Viscoelastic component of pressure |
Pl,dyn [cm H2O] |
Dynamic pulmonary pressure |
Ppl [cm H2O] |
Pleural pressure |
Pcw [cm H2O] |
Chest wall elastic recoil |
Pmus [cm H2O] |
Respiratory muscle pressure |
CA [ml/cm H2O] |
Lung compliance |
Cw [ml/cm H2O] |
Chest wall compliance |
Crs [ml/cm H2O] |
Respiratory system compliance |
Rrs [cm H2O s/L] |
Respiratory system resistance |
ν |
Fraction of VC for chest wall relaxation volume |
V0 [ml] |
Chest wall relaxation volume |
β |
Baseline fraction of lung recruited at Pel = 0 |
γ |
Maximum recruitable function of lung |
α |
Lower asymptote, fraction recruitment |
k [1/cm H2O] |
Characterizes slope, aggregate lung elasticity |
cF [cm H2O] |
Pressure at maximum lung recruitment |
dF [cm H2O] |
Characterizes slope at maximum lung recruitment |
aw [ml] |
Lower asymptote, chest wall compliance |
bw [ml] |
Characterizes slope, Pcw → ∞ |
cw [cm H2O] |
Transition point, chest wall compliance |
dw [cm H2O] |
Characterizes slope, Pcw → ∞ |
ac [ml] |
Lower asymptote, collapsible airway |
bc [ml] |
Upper asymptote, collapsible airway |
cc [cm H2O] |
Pressure at peak collapsible airway compliance |
dc [cm H2O] |
Characterizes slope, peak coll. airway compliance |
Collapsible airway resistance coefficient |
Vc,max [ml] |
Peak collapsible airway volume |
Rs,m [cm H2O s/L] |
Minimum small airway resistance |
Rs,d [cm H2O s/L] |
Change in small airway resistance |
Small airway resistance low pressure coefficient |
Iu [cm H2O s2/L] |
Upper airway inertance |
Ru,m [cm H2O s/L] |
Laminar value, upper airway resistance |
Ku [cm H2O s/L] |
Turbulent coefficient, upper airway resistance |
Cve [L / cm H2O] |
Lung viscoelastic compliance |
Rve [cm H2O s/L] |
Lung viscoelastic resistance |