Table 1.
Educational outcomes and their definitions
Care provider | Pharmacy graduates use their knowledge, skills and professional judgement to provide pharmaceutical care and to facilitate management of patient’s medication and overall health needs |
Communicator | Pharmacy graduates communicate with diverse audiences, using a variety of strategies that take into account the situation, intended outcomes of the communication and the target audience |
Collaborator | Pharmacy graduates work collaboratively with teams to provide effective, quality healthcare and to fulfil their professional obligations to the community and society at large |
Manager | Pharmacy graduates use management skills in their daily practice to optimize the care of patients, to ensure the safe and effective distribution of medications, and to make efficient use of health resources |
Advocate | Pharmacy graduates use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations, and to support pharmacist’s professional roles |
Scholar | Pharmacy graduates have and can apply the core knowledge and skills required to be a medication therapy expert, and are able to master, generate, interpret and disseminate pharmaceutical and pharmacy practice knowledge |
Professional | Pharmacy graduates honour their roles as self-regulated professionals through both individual patient care and fulfilment of their professional obligations to the profession, the community and society at large |
Adapted from the AFPC (2010) Educational Outcomes