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. 2018 Jun 8;9:740. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00740

Table 3.

Ergoespriometric responses during repeated all-out sprints (mean, upper row, ± SD, lower row).

Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4 Sprint 5 ANOVA effects
W1A W1B W1C W2A W2B W2C W60A W60B W60C W15A W15B W15C W15FA W15FB W15FC Sprint Sprint × sex Treat Treat × sex Sprint × Treat
Wpeak (W)b 814.9 822.8 798.0 768.1 767.7 790.0 617.9 695.1* 684.4* 288.0 311.9 343.9* 385.3 421.0 430.4* 0.001 0.578 0.001 0.728 0.001
185.8 207.7 202.1 194.2 167.2 204.4 172.6 207.4 167.0 113.3 106.1 111.2 135.0 142.0 125.3
Wmean (W)b 428.5 419.0 414.3 390.4 383.7 383.0 233.4 247.8* 249.0* 165.4 172.5 183.9* 201.3 207.7 209.5 0.001 0.698 0.005 0.285 0.001
101.3 98.8 98.3 94.5 92.1 89.6 62.4 66.9 58.5 65.6 53.2 53.8 62.5 51.7 50.4
HR (beat.min−1) 156.6 155.9 158.7 158.6 158.5 161.0 169.3 168.5 170.1 173.3 174.9 176.2 173.3 175.0 178.1 0.001 0.082 0.92 0.27 0.3
13.6 15.5 18.4 15.0 16.6 15.5 13.5 14.5 11.4 15.9 14.2 9.9 15.7 16.2 10.1
VO2 (mL/min) 1006.3 1011.8 1010.4 1065.7 1063.6 1057.9 2415.1 2426.2 2429.1 540.1 549.2 550.7 635.7 641.9 644.4 0.001 0.001 0.91 0.4 0.99
227.6 247.4 213.3 254.4 255.9 236.4 578.8 604.6 567.0 160.9 161.7 131.9 185.5 181.5 193.0
VCO2 (mL/min) 2012.5 2023.7 2020.8 2131.3 2127.3 2115.7 2415.1 2426.2 2429.1 2160.3 2197.0 2202.8 2542.8 2567.5 2577.5 0.001 0.18 0.88 0.4 0.98
455.2 494.7 426.7 508.8 511.7 472.9 578.8 604.6 567.0 643.7 646.7 527.7 741.9 725.8 772.2
O2 deficit (mL) 1611.5 1601.0 1605.5 1367.1 1378.4 1332.3 810.0 927.2 768.1 57.0 75.9 90.8* 63.5 70.2 76.2 0.001 0.001 0.37 0.62 0.105
520.6 536.4 495.1 456.8 445.9 440.2 427.2 531.7 432.3 94.6 142.9 108.5 115.7 120.7 123.4
RER 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.03 0.97 0.98 0.96 1.16 1.18 1.16 1.04 1.05 1.07 0.001 0.012 0.574 0.61 0.62
0.11 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.12
VE (L/min) 78.2 79.2 76.9 98.9 99.6 98.0 112.2 113.2 111.6 118.8 121.9 117.1 121.1 122.5 123.3 0.001 0.027 0.84 0.67 0.98
22.5 22.1 23.1 23.7 25.7 28.0 29.4 30.3 30.5 35.0 33.4 37.0 36.7 35.3 36.8
PETO2 (mmHg) 115.5 114.6 112.6 119.7 119.7 119.3 119.8 120.1 120.0 122.6 122.9 119.5 119.9 119.9 120.5 0.001 0.34 0.21 0.633 0.405
5.3 4.6 11.9 3.2 3.1 4.7 2.9 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.4 17.1 2.4 2.5 2.7
PETCO2 (mmHg) 29.0 30.5 29.9 25.6 25.9 26.3 24.2 24.1 24.4 24.6 24.7 24.3 25.7 25.7 25.7 0.001 0.099 0.6 0.6 0.34
3.7 3.7 4.3 2.3 2.5 3.5 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.6 2.2 4.5 2.5 2.5 2.7

Wpeak, peak power output; Wmean, mean power output; HR, heart rate; VO2, oxygen uptake; VCO2, CO2 production; RER, respiratory exchange ratio; VE, pulmonary ventilation; PETO2, end-tidal O2 pressure; PETCO2, end-tidal CO2 pressure; W1, first Wingate (30 s sprint); W2, second Wingate (30 s sprint); W60, 60 s sprint; W15, 15 s sprint post-ischemia; W15F, final 15 s sprint; Treat, treatment effect. A, Placebo; B, luteolin + Mangiferin; C, Mangiferin + Quercetin + Tiger nut extract (bstatistical analysis done with logarithmically transformed data);


P < 0.05 compared with placebo;

P < 0.05 compared with treatment B.