FIG 1.
BUNV-EGFP completes a single round of infection in MT4 cells. (A) A typical confocal microscopy field of MT4 cells infected with BUNV-EGFP and stained with DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole). (B) Pseudocolored flow cytometry dot plots of MT4 cells infected or not infected with BUNV-EGFP. (C) Growth curve for BUNV-EGFP on MT4 cells. MT4 cells were infected with BUNV-GFP at an MOI of 5 (determined using Vero cells). (D) Growth kinetics of wt BUNV and BUNV-EGFP in MT4 cells. MT4 cells were infected with wt BUNV or BUNV-EGFP, using the same MOI. At different time points, the supernatant was harvested and the infectious titer determined using Vero cells. (E) Plaques of wt BUNV and BUNV-EGFP (on Vero cells) produced by MT4 cells.