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. 2018 Jun 13;92(13):e00116-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00116-18


Prediction of the putative polyprotein pp1a/pp1ab cleavage sites of novel MERS-related CoVs based on comparison with MERS-CoV strain EMC/2012

Nspa BtCoV/Ii/GD/2013-845
Putative functional domain(s)b
First-last amino acid residues Protein size (aa) First-last amino acid residues Protein size (aa)
1 Met1-Gly196 196 Met1-Gly196 196 IFN antagonist
2 Asp197-Gly856 660 Asp197-Gly856 660
3 Ala857-Gly2754 1,898 Ala857-Gly2768 1,912 ADRP, PL2pro
4 Ala2755-Gln3261 507 Ala2769-Gln3275 507 TM-2
5 Ser3262-Gln3567 306 Ser3276-Gln3581 306 3CLpro
6 Ser3568-Gln3859 292 Ser3582-Gln3873 292 TM-3
7 Ser3860-Gln3942 83 Ser3874-Gln3956 83
8 Ala3943-Gln4141 199 Ala3957-Gln4155 199 Primase
9 Asn4142-Gln4251 110 Asn4156-Gln4265 110 RNA-binding protein
10 Ala4252-Gln4391 140 Ala4266-Gln4405 140 ZBD, cofactor of OMT
11 Ser4392-Ile4395 14 Ser4406-Ile4419 14 Short peptide
12 Ser4392-Gln5325 934 Ser4406-Gln5339 934 RdRp
13 Ala5326-Gln5923 598 Ala5340-Gln5937 598 Hel, NTPase
14 Ser5924-Gln6447 524 Ser5938-Gln6461 524 ExoN, NMT
15 Gly6448-Gln6970 343 Gly6462-Gln6804 343 NendoU
16 Ala6969-Arg7093 303 Ala6805-Cys7107 303 OMT

Nsp, nonstructural protein.


ADRP, ADP-ribose 1″-phosphatase; PL2pro, papain-like protease 2; TM, transmembrane domain; 3CLpro, coronavirus Nsp5 protease; ZBD, zinc-binding domain; Hel, helicase; NTPase, nucleoside triphosphatase; ExoN, exoribonuclease; NMT, N7 methyltransferase; NendoU, endoribonyuclease; OMT, 2′O-methyltransferase.