Accommodations |
Placement in a private area/room as opposed to a public space
Hot blankets, pillows, windows
Basic needs and infrastructure |
Access to food,
Comfortable and clean garments,
Adequate sleeping arrangements,
Hygienic bathroom spaces, and
Materials to support meaningful use of free time
Freedoms |
Communication |
Clarity and timeliness of communication, so that there was a mutual understanding of the care process
Conversation is especially important around difficult topics, e.g. health risks, restraint, involuntary commitment
Common courtesies and respect are a critical foundation of fruitful conversation
Kindness is greatly appreciated
Shared decision-making and self-advocacy can be planned for ahead of time, even if it is not always possible during psychiatric crisis
Length of stay |
Shared decision-making in length of crisis care
Understanding that extended stay was associated with improved treatment options, medication management, and follow-up referrals
Enhanced rapport with crisis staff to shorten wait time
Visitation during crisis care |
Presence of family and friends in crisis de-escalation
Pre-defined visiting hours for guests
Opportunities to approve or exclude potential guests during crisis care stay
Follow-up care |
Discussion of options so that referral site is matched to preferences
Referral set up prior to discharge, including calls and paperwork
Attention given to how the referral site is working for that person, so that poor-fit referral is not repeated