Table 1:
Teams and rCBV analysis methods
Team/Entry No. | Software | Scaling | Leakage Correction | Description |
A1 | IB Neuro | NAWM | Yes | Modified BSW21 |
B1 | IB Neuro | NAWM | Yes | Modified BSW21 |
C1 | IB Neuro | NAWM | Yes | Modified BSW21 |
B2 | Matlaba | NAWM | Yes | 120-point TI (BSW21) |
B3 | Matlab | AIF | Yes | 120-point TI (BSW21) |
D1 | nordicICE | NAWM | Yes | 120-point TI (BSW21) |
D2 | nordicICE | Population AIF | Yes | 120-point TI (BSW21) |
E1 | PGUI (LC)b | NAWM | Yes | 120-point TI (BSW21) |
E2 | PGUI (C) | NAWM | Yes | AUC of C(t) ratio for ROI/AIF |
E3 | PGUI (PM LC) | NAWM | Yes | Bayesian parametric FT44 |
D3 | Slicerc | NAWM | Yes | 120-point TI (BSW21) |
F1 | FIATd | NAWM | Yes | Modified Weisskoff45,46 |
G1 | MCcbve | NA | Yes | Modified Weisskoff45,46 |
A2 | IB Neuro | NA (standardized)47 | Yes | Modified BSW21 2006 |
A3 | IB Neuro | NAWM | No | Leakage correction not used |
B4 | IB Neuro | NAWM | No | Leakage correction not used |
E4 | PGUI | NAWM | No | Leakage correction not used |
E5 | PGUI | NAWM | No | Deconvolution of residue function (sSVD) |
E6 | PGUI | NAWM | No | Deconvolution of residue function (oSVD) |
A4 | IB Neuro | N/A (standardized)47 | No | Leakage correction not used |
Note:—TI indicates trapezoidal integration; BSW, Boxerman-Schmainda-Weisskoff; NA, not applicable; FT, Fourier Transform; sSVD, standard singular value decomposition; oSVD, block circulant singular value decomposition; C(t) ratio, concentration time course.
MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts.
Perfusion Graphical User Interface; MINDlab, Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University Hospital Norrebrogade, Denmark.44
Functional Image Analysis Tool (University of Michigan).
Mayo Clinic cerebral blood volume (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota).37