Antagonist of adenosine A1 receptor, DPCPX, prevents the actions of ethanol at
lower concentrations but not at high concentrations. (A) Averaged EPSPs evoked
in a layer 2/3 pyramidal neuron by paired-pulse stimuli (50-ms interpulse
interval) in control, and through increasing ethanol concentrations. Time course
of changes in the amplitude of individual EPSPs evoked by the first pulse in a
pair (EPSP1, % of control). Specific antagonist of adenosine A1
receptor, DPCPX (30 nM) was present in the extracellular solution throughout the
experiment. (B) Averaged changes in EPSP1 amplitude and PPR in
n = 21 experiments with DPCPX. EPSP amplitudes were
normalized by the amplitude of EPSP1 in control. Significance denoted as
**P < 0.01;
***P < 0.001. Other conventions
as in Fig. 2. [Colour figure can be
viewed at].