Fig. 1.
Protection of Bhut Jolokia pepper plants against CMV upon application of dsRNA_CMV-2b. a Left: Progress of CMV symptom expression in CMV-treated (black bars) and CMV + dsRNA_CMV-2b-treated pepper plants (white bars) over time (7–30 dpi) based on visual plant inspection; right: progress of symptom severity in CMV-treated (black bars) and CMV + dsRNA_CMV-2b-treated pepper plants (white bars) over time (7–30 dpi) based on the scoring system described in the text and calculations using least mean square; dpi: days post inoculation. b Percentage of infected pepper plants treated with CMV or CMV + dsRNA_CMV-2b at 21 dpi, based on DAS-ELISA results. The numbers at the top of the bars indicate the respective CMV infection percentages