Table 3.
Interview Topic Guide
1. What can you tell me about how you became involved in this research? | |
• Who told you about it | |
• How they told you | |
• Why you wanted to be part of this research | |
2. Can you tell me why this research is needed? | |
• What does this service offer now? | |
• Do you know what the desired outcome of the research is? | |
3. Do you have views on how you would like the service here to change? | |
4. Do you know who is involved in this research, which doctors, nurses or other people? | |
5. What are you hoping to get from your involvement with the research/service? | |
6. In addition to the services you receive here, do you take any other steps to relieve your symptoms? | |
7. Could involvement in this research lead you to do anything different? | |
8. Have you seen changes in the service since you first became a service user? | |
9. Do you know what has helped to make change happen? (give examples) | |
10. Or got in the way of change happening? (give examples) | |
11. Looking at the research and the efforts to improve the service, are there any things you would have liked to see done differently? | |
12. Is there anything else that you would like to tell me? |