Overview of the T06A10.3 gene in chromosome IV of C. elegans. The exons are represented as black boxes, the CHHC zinc finger domains are shown in red, and the black arrow corresponds to the cut site of the sgRNA used. The deletion alleles are represented in yellow.
PCR analysis of the deletion alleles using primers represented by arrowheads in (A).
Western blot analysis of mixed‐stage wild‐type and mutant worm extracts using a polyclonal anti‐GTSF‐1 antibody. TBA‐1, one of the C. elegans alpha‐tubulins, was used as a loading control. Asterisks indicate unspecific bands.
Western blot analysis of glp‐4(bn2) mutant worms grown at the non‐permissive temperature of 25°C, which precludes the development of the germline, and 15°C.
Representative confocal fluorescence microscopy images showing the presence of GTSF‐1 and ALG‐3 tagged proteins in a gonad of a L4 double transgenic worm, in the alg‐3/4; gtsf‐1 triple mutant background. Scale bars correspond to 10 and 5 μm in the case of the inset.