Testing the participation of
gtsf‐1 in the 21U‐RNA pathway. For each figure, left panels are DIC, while right panels show mCherry fluorescence channel. (E) Photomicrographs of adult worms carrying a 21U‐RNA reporter in the
pid‐1(xf35) background. The panels above show a strain in which the 21U‐sensor is still dependent on the 21U‐RNA pathway, because in the absence of PID‐1, mCherry can be observed in the germline. The panels below show a strain in which reporter silencing became independent of the 21U‐RNA pathway, a state known as RNAe. (F) Micrographs of 21U‐sensor;
gtsf‐1 worms exhibiting the sensor repressed. This images are representative of 21U‐sensor;
gtsf‐1 worms originating from the crosses with both strains shown in (E) (schematics of the crosses are shown in Fig
EV2F and G). Scale bars represent 50 μm.